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Fascia ~ Your Inner Communication System

Very soon, we’ll all be talking about the fascia — the connective tissue in your body — and it’s role in communicating signals through the body.

The fascia runs from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. There’s nowhere in the body that it isn’t connect to. It weaves through every aspect of your body — every organ is wrapped up in the fascia, and every muscle, blood vessel, nerve fibre and bone is supported by this connective tissue.

In recent years, research had deemed the fascia as largest organ of the body.

Super fast communication network

This network of tissue functions as a sophisticated communication network, and the speed at which this happens is exponentially faster than any neurochemical processes, i.e. neural pathways.

"The connective tissue system can also process information. Your connective tissue system is well suited for the task of conveying both energy and information, because it connects every part of your body to every other part," says Dawson Church, Author of The Genie in Our Genes.

So your tissue is not just a communication network, but also stores energy, amplifies signals, filters information, moves information throughout the body, and also processes information.

"Connective tissue fibers are arranged in highly regular arrays. There is a name for a highly regular parallel array of molecules, whether it’s in liquid or solid form: It’s called a crystal. The collagenous molecules in which all your organs are encased function as a system of liquid crystals." — Dawson Church (author of The Genie in Our Genes)

The liquid crystalline quality of the fascia makes it piezoelectric in nature — a concept made popular in recent year by Dr Joe Dispenza.

Piezoelectricity is generated by pressure or compression and can spread through the body at a speed much faster than chemical or biological messaging.

"Signals generated by the piezoelectric effect...are essential biological communications that ‘inform’ neighboring cells and tissues.... The fully ‘integrated’ body may be a body that is entirely free of restrictions to the flow of signals.” — James Oschman, PhD

The internal communication system, in this light (pun intended) has significant healing implications. And the easiest and simplest way to generate this charge?

Breathe in, hold your breath for a moment, then breathe in a little more. Feel this energy pool at the very top of your head. Soon, you will feel a cascading energy. Feel that gentle pressure? The compression? This is how you induce this piezoelectric charge. This charge sends signals to your body, depending on your intent.

You’re more in control of your body than you ‘think’.

And to connect to this power, this piezoelelectric power to influence the semi-conductor that is our body — we breathe in ‘the field’.

Stay tuned for hypnosis experiences exploring this concept in Phase 2 of the Body Imaging series. The best bet would be to join the newsletter below.


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