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Opening your mind to healing potentials

Have you ever heard of a microtuble? You could think about them as skeletal fibres or 'rebars' which provide shape to a cell. Every cell with a nucleus contains microtubles, illustrated here in yellow.

An image of microtubles from an article by Regina Bailey

In 'The Genie in Our Genes', Dawson Church describes these protein filaments as 'transient' in that, their lifespan is much shorter than you might imagine. He goes on to quote John McCrone from the June 2004 issue of Science and Consciousness Review.

"“Do you know the half-life of a microtubule, the protein filaments that form the internal scaffolding of a cell? Just ten minutes. That’s an average of ten minutes between assembly and destruction.

Dawson states, " The conclusion of this research is that the entire brain is being recycled about once every other month, opening up an enormous field of enquiry into how neurological change interacts with changes in energy systems."

Now, consider the implications of this discovery. If the turnover time of the physical matter of our brain (and our bodies) is so transient — how is it we continue to be how we are, hold beliefs as long as we do. How do we remain intact and express ourselves as consistently as we do?

Consciousness is the answer. Our thoughts, our beliefs, our emotional states and the environment we exist in all coalesce into a frequency — an energetic state — which, when on loop or when remaining unchanged or unstimulated by new experience — retains said patterns. We are more space than matter. We exist in an ocean of energy. It runs through us from beyond us, and we are each individual expressions of this greater energetic source.

The healing implications

Say you're told recovery or healing will take a certain amount of time — and you take in that information as verbatim. Perhaps there's even evidence you've seen in the past that makes that intel easy to accept. But, what if your healthcare practitioner says, 'Did you know the cell structure recycles itself in less than an hour, so really it's up to you and what you believe and the energetic state you exist within as to how quickly and efficiently you might heal...' What potentials might open up if the perspective offered was as open ended as this. Your cells aren't operating according to the calendar week — the protiens surrounding them are already halfway decomposed and building anew and you're only half-way through this article.

"The very skeleton of each cell is being revised several times each hour, as though a building’s architecture was metamorphosing each day!" — Dawson Church

Imagine you take a mere 20 minutes of your day resting in this potential, feeling the body as it naturally goes through the process of regenerating new cells at a rate more rapid than what we think is possible. Imagine creating space in your perceptions to the possibilities that your focus can influence the quality of the new cells being produced, naturally, within. There's no conscious thought required for this to occur, but the conscious thought that does occur will affect the quality of that cell. No matter though if some habitual thought patterns occur with limitation involved — you need only wait a few minutes to imprint the new cells with new thoughts, new energy so they can exist in a harmonic environment, conducive to your wellbeing.

"Our thoughts are mainly controlled by our subconscious, which is largely formed before the age of 6, and you cannot change the subconscious mind by just thinking about it. That's why the power of positive thinking will not work for most people. The subconscious mind is like a tape player. Until you change the tape, it will not change." — Bruce Lipton

Want to change the tape? Try a hypnosis recording


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